Saturday, July 9, 2011

The First Cut is the Deepest...

lol, cheesy song reference, I know, but really, who could resist?

I have finally settled on making a fence rail quilt. Each block is going to consist of 5 different pieces of fabric and will be slightly under 10 inches square when finished.

I began by cutting one strip the full width of a FQ (21 inches, give or take) and assembled 5 selected strips to make a double sized block. Essentially this was my test block.

Along the way I discovered that my machine already has three of the main sewing feet required for quilting; a true quarter inch foot, a stich in the ditch foot, and a free motion darning foot. (ohhhh, note the use of the oxford comma in that sentence, the interweb has taught me something this year). I do wish that I had had a rumage through my sewing machine feet before I began as it would have made some ever so slight differences to my cutting - never mind; at least I know for next time.

I now have two finished blocks, exactly the same, the benefit of making the longest possible strips to sew together.

I'm off now to cut up the rest of my FQs ready to hopefully do some more sewing tomorrow.

In other news, today I was given the afternoon off to do whatever I wanted (a rarity when you have two small boys). At 2.30 I decided I would take the long hike out to Spotlight in search of some, hopefully, cheapish broard cloth to break up all the patterning. Thankfully I had the foresight to make a little detour through the Macca's drive through. This meant I would need to take the slow road back to the motorway. Yee gads, the thunder and lightening started moments later. Closely followed by super intense hail. Mega, super intense hail. Needless to say the trip to Spotlight was cancelled and I trawled home at 30kph. (Never fear, I was not silly enough to drive in the hail like some others out there. I did wait for about 5 minutes after it finished to get back on the road, it was still fairly slippery) Moral of the story: Do not attempt to go to Spotlight to buy cheaper fabric :P

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fabric Chosen

Nearly six years down the track and my FIL has finally cracked the gift giving concept when it comes to me. Yay!

This year's birthday netted a lovely voucher from our local quilting shop. This shop is outstanding but just a tad spendy so I've never actually contemplated purchasing quilting fabric from here before.

I fear the flood gates may be opened.

Today I selected 9 co-ordinating fat quarters (FQs) to begin my first real project. The FQs were all located together in the shop (to help people like me find things that match, I guess). The first that I saw that really caught my eye was Michael Millers Charcol Daisy Doodle Dandy in grey, black, white, lime and teal. The other eight fabrics all match in some way, mostly in grey and lime. Until the weather fines up and I get a chance to take some pictures in natural light you can view the main fabric here

The internal debate began: To pre-wash or not to pre-wash.
Standard practice: Google to the rescue.
What I really wanted was someone just to tell me what to do.
No luck.
In the end I went for a compromise that I read about on a blog somewhere out there (sorry to much clicking through to remember where I ended up....) I filled the bathroom sink with warm water and a small amount of soap to test for colour loss and remove some of the chemicals fabrics come coated in. Swish, swish, swish and a rinse. Iron dry. Not too bad really considering all of the fabrics would have needed an iron any way.

So now I have 9 FQs prewashed, ironed and ready to go.

Ready to cut.

I'm not scared!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Off On a New Adventure

I'm going on a bear hunt.

I'm not scared.

(No, really. I'm not.)

In persuit of a new (but old) craft. I've decided to try my hand at a quilt.